March 17th
Hello. Hi. My name is
The doctor has told me
to start writing this dumb diary because he thinks it might help. As
if I've not got enough on my plate already! He says, “Mike, I know
what it's like, sometimes you want to say things but you think they
are things you can't say – you think people will make fun of you
for saying them, but you don't need to show them to me or anyone,
just write them down.”
I guess the doc has a
point, but it still feels dumb.
I'm gonna try and keep
it up maybe a week or two at the most, before I get real busy. Work
is good at the moment, Joe and Charlie say we've got projects to keep
us busy up until August, which is good 'cos Louise has some time off
around the end of August and I think we could both do with some kind
of holiday, it's been a long year.
Anyway, this week we're
up at some old house way out in the woods somewhere. I'm not a very
good writer, I don't describe so good, but it's beautiful: real old
style house, all wood with a raised porch and that kinda thing. One
half is modernised, and that's where the family who are paying us
have been living, but they want the rest renovating and made
hospitable for the winter.